So, with record high prices for feeder calves, the drought and lack of hay, high feed prices, we decided not to buy anymore 2023 feeder calves late last year. With the higher prices of everything nowadays, it seems like a lot of people were strapped for cash and it was hard to find buyers even at a break even price. We do still have 5 beef that we bought early in 2023 that will be ready later this year. Being processing slots are more open now, we will take a look at how they do over the winter and then decide what month they go in. They will probably go in 2 different dates, about a month or two apart in the fall
. So, if your interested, let me know and I will put you down as a first comer and will let you know what dates we come up with—- still no obligation or deposit required, just the first chance at them.
But another opportunity came along. A neighboring farmer let me know last week he had 3 bred Murray Grey heifers he decided to get rid of and asked me if I was interested. After some thought, we decided to take 2 of them. We, however, came back with 3. The calves are expected around May, and will be ready for processing fall of 2025. We figured we had a better chance of breaking even going this route rather than buying all feeder calves as some of the ones
we bought didn’t turn out that great anyway.
Hopefully we get our electric installed n the new shed early spring so am we can get our fodder system up and running .
Add me to the list please
Hello! Please add us to the list! Cindy